Today I was able to take my family on a short hiking trip on the Palisades right outside of the city. It was a beautiful day and a bit warm but the summer foliage was able to keep the heat of the sun off of our backs.
First we parked at the Alpine Lookout Parking area:
The trail that we took starts just north of the lookout and the lot:
Opening up into a nice wooded area and trail. Remember to bear left (or just keep straight) as the right side trail leads to a dead end, at least in the summer.
There are a few good look out points along the trail but other than those there are not many views to take in other than woodlands until, as we were pleasantly surprised, you reach the Cliffdale Manor ruins.
This was actually a pretty cool find. We were stumped as to what we had stumbled upon, thinking they may be some old military fort and barracks with perhaps a prison. We found more subterranean passages below the actual basement line (I found out later researching online) which my pictures mostly show.
As it turns out the ruins were a mansion built in 1911, just over a hundred years now. It was the summer home of one of Bergen County's wealthiest, George Zabriskie. You can find out more about the mansion and it's history on this gentleman's blog (which is were I found my info)
In it's hay day the Cliffdale Manor looked like this:
We ended the hike after finding a little trail that ran off the main trail leading to the cliffs of the Palisades here:
We then hiked back another mile to the Alpine lookout taking in some more trail sites.
Happy trails everyone~!!! And remember it's the weekend, get outside!

For those with a regular 9-5 that still love to get outdoors and get dirty! The weekend warriors that love to explore and have adventures outdoors on their off time. Well if that describes you this is just the place to be. So stop by drop us a comment or recommendation or just say hey. And remember on the weekend warriors come out to play!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Hiking & Camping Alone
This is an activity often frowned upon. People generally say that it is just too unnecessarily risky. To an extent they may be right. But let's remember man (and woman) have been braving the wild alone since the beginning of time. This is also something that I love to do. It thrills me and just gives me a tremendous peace and allows me to appreciate God's beautiful world on a different level. It gives me alone time and allows me to reflect and think. Don't get me wrong at times it can be a little nerve racking and even scary (nothing like sleeping alone in the deep woods at night and hearing the animals move around you and not know what they are). However, nothing gives me a feeling of pride and self achievement than exploring the wild alone....and surviving of course. I'm not the only one who feels this way. Many people feel the same way and part take in exploring alone. But please understand, there is a right and safe way to do everything. Always remember to let someone know where you are going. I don't know if anyone else saw 127 hours but if I'm not convincing enough that movie may just dissuade you from hiking alone altogether, and for some people that may be a good thing. Be prepared, make sure you have appropriate gear and are in relatively good shape comparative to the type of trail you will be taking. Below is a link to a good article on hiking and camping alone. If seriously desiring to do this, I recommend that you read this article.
Do you like exploring alone?
Do you like exploring alone?
Monday, June 18, 2012
Bear Cans, Boxes & Bags
When camping we all should take bears and protecting ourselves from them. The best way to do that is by storing them in a bear can or as some parks may have a bear box which is like a locker in the woods for your food. However, when hiking a bear can can be heavy and bulky. Bear bags are light but a bear can always chew right through it. Personally I don't see why you can't just string the bag up high between two trees at least 100 ft feom your camp. Either way garbage and food needs to be secured where a bear can't reach it and far enough from your camp. Keep in mind that neither the bear bag, can nor the box are odorless despite any advertisement to the contrary. See this website below on the subject for more information.
The North Face Pheonix 3
Great ultra light tent that fits up to 3 adults. No rain fly and still waterproof. Check out the full review at Backpacker Magazine's website below:
Friday, June 15, 2012
Esee Knives
So early this week I won a contest through twitter for an Esee Candiru knife, and today I just received it in the mail which made me pretty happy. Esee knives are very professional and I will definitely be purchasing some cutlery from them in the near future. They also have a training school so definitely check out their website.To tell you a little about the knife it is small with a full length of 5.14" and a blade edge at 2". It seems very durable and to be a well crafted knife using high carbon 1095 steel, one if the best for cutlery. My knife is desert tan and it came with a cordura sheath. The name Candiru is after a fish native to the Amazon River, also known as the vampire fish. It is a kind of tiny catfish known for an alleged tendency to invade the human urethra (wikipeia). A picture of the fish is actually engraved in the knife as you can see below. All in all it is a great knife and I can't wait to take it camping this weekend!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Awesome Sleeping bag!
I don't know about anyone else but I get very hot in my sleeping bag especially my feet! My feet need to breathe and most sleeping bags seem built for extremely cold weather which is not always the case. This is the first time (and I may be late and never seen such a bag before) that I have seen such a bag that let's parts of the leg and feet breathe through ventilating zips ( I made that vernacular up). Check out this bag on the link below I know I could definitely use one!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Survival Kit by Rocky Mountain Survival
Below you'll find a link to a site which offers a selection of great survival kits. These kits are compact and bear the essentials for any survival situation, covering the basic needs water, shelter food, fire and first aid. So wether you're out for a simple day hike or fishing trip, hunting or camping never leave home without one and you'll always be prepared! Rocky Mountain Survival also has knives and other gear, a blog and useful survival preparedness information. Check them out here:
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Dealing with Wild Animals while Camping
This is a good article about avoiding certain animals that you may worry about when camping:
Mt. Marcy, Adirondack hike
So I'm thinking of planning a trip to hike up Mt. Marcy which is the highest mountain in NY State. The mountain is 5,344 feet above sea level and you can see the summits of 43 peaks throughout the Adirondacks! The trail is called the Van Hoevenberg Trail and is 7.4 miles. What I want to do is hike up there and camp over night before reaching the summit. In the morning i'd complete the hike to the summit and start back down. Has any of my readers done this hike? Let me know your thoughts on it or advice. Here is some info about the hike:
Monday, June 11, 2012
Albuquerque: Gila Loop | Hiking in New Mexico
This sounds like an awesome hike in New Mexico curtesy of Backpackers Magazine
Important Survival First Aid Steps
One of the most important parts of survival is knowledge of first aid. How to respond to a situation. How to help yourself and others. First aid can be the difference to survival outdoors so click below to read another great article from backpacker magazine:
Sunday, June 10, 2012
How to Make Cowboy Coffee
If you're anything like me you love and need you're coffee. Especially out on the trail early in the morning over a camp fire. There's nothing like it. It soothes, refreshes and prepares you for the upcoming day of camp chores or hiking/exploring. Personally I brew my coffee at home with a perculator, however, on the trail I try to limit the weight of my gear and will not bring a camping perculator with me. So as opposed to instant coffee as I am at home, on the trail I make an exception and bring some instant coffee and a pack of hot chocolate. Now the hot chocolate serves as my creamer and sugar in one. I usually will only add a half pack to a camping tin full of coffee. It does the job and it limits the amount of gear I need to carry. I have often read about making "cowboy coffee" but I have yet ventured to try it out. There are several ways to make a pot of cowboy coffee and from my own research and books that I've read about the old west, the original cowboys loved their coffee strong and thick as mud. As much as I love strong coffee the consitency as compared to mud doesn't really make my mouth water (as with a cup of that coffee there will be barely any water left). Brought to you by Backpacker Magazine's website (a really great an informative magazine I might add) here is a video instructing how to make a good pot of cowboy coffee. Next time i'm on the trail I may just try this with some real coffee grinds instead of the instant coffee. Click below and enjoy! Let me know if any one has tried this method or a similar one or just tell us how you make you're outdoor cup of joe!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Weekend Getaway
I was looking for a secluded trail where I could go hiking and camping with my brother without going too far from NYC and finally stumbled upon the link below. It sounds like what I want so I'll check it out. This trail is in Harriman State Park in NY by Bear Mountain. If anyone knows about another trail that's secluded please comment and let me know. Thanks!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Horseshoe Lake Trail
Click here to read about this beautiful trail with a mountain top lake in the Pecos Wilderness, New Mexico:
How to Plan a Camping Trip
Here's a decent article on planning a "primitive" camping trip. My personal thought is the use of the word primitive. The article defines it as "Primitive camping takes the luxury Of a prepared campsite out of the equation, leaving campers in solitude with nature." I don't know about anybody else but any other kind of camping than that, is just not camping! But click here and check out the article:
National Get Outdoors Day!
Tomorrow is the 1st Annual National Get Outdoors day! Which encourages all of us to go out and do something fun with nature. Whether it's, camping, hiking, fishing, bycicle riding, ect. take your family and do something. To support the event entry to all National Parks will be free! There are more than 130 National Parks accross the country. Also, take pictures and post them here or comment and let us know what you will be doing.
Here is a list of the National Get Outdoors Day locations so no excuse!
Here is a list of the National Get Outdoors Day locations so no excuse!

LA Hiker
This is a great site if you're looking to hike and see nature's beauty in LA. Filled with podcasts this site is a video guide to great LA hikes. Check it out watch a video and plan your next hike or outdoor getaway!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Burroughs Range Trail Catskills, NY
A great 10 mile hike in the Catskills, NY. A favorite of mine. I have previously posted a video about a trip I took last year hiking and camping over night. While it can be physically challenging it is rewarding. Check out a further detailed description below. Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Tarp Poncho
This is a really great utilitarian camping poncho/tarp made by the Pathfinder Store and Dave Canterbury from "Dual Survivor". Check out the youtube review done by Dave Canterbury himself. Definitely a great buy!!
Get Outdoors this Saturday and you won't have recreation fees on National Forests! (photo: Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, WA)
Check here if you're looking for a National Forest in NY like myself.
Tarp Camping
Here is some interesting information on camping with a tarp instead of a tent. There are various advantages to both. Read about it here and let us know what you prefer. Do you choose tent or tarp camping?
White mountains, New Hampshire
Check out this beautiful park that was almost destroyed by the logging industry and has since been restored. Planning a hiking or camping trip? Want to go swimming or just see the beauty of this park? Check it out here and read the story of it's restoration:
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Tent Camping Advice
Check out this info with some tent camping advice
Desert Survival Game
Check out this desert survival game:
Bear Safety Tips
The biggest one to me is how you care for your food! We should all know this by now and if you don't you seriously shouldn't be camping! Food should be kept in air tight baggage hung from 2 trees at least 4 meters from the ground and 1 meter from the trees. Don't cook where you sleep and don't keep food in your tent! This could save your life. Check out other bear safety tips here:
National Geographic Best Trips 2012
Check out these great outdoor trips across the world and see some beautiful pics:
Great PA Hike
Check out this cool article on exploring Ricketts Glen State Park in PA
Isurvivalskills blog
Check out this important blog regarding the necessity of developing your survival skills:
Monday, June 4, 2012
Low Impact Stealth Camping Education
Listen up outdoorsmen and women! For those that love to hike and camp off the grid and not use those pre-made fire rings or RV sites, like myself, but also hate seeing ugly impacted camp sites and trash left by campers that don't care this article is a must read. Education is the remedy! Please help spread the word by reading and sharing this article.
Survival Paracord Bracelette
Check out this awesome survival paracord bracelett with tinder and flint and firesteel! Watch the video on how to use it to start fires. It's a survival kit for your wrist. Thank you pepper products and the paracordist!
Oregon Hunting Scout Trip
This is a cool article on this guys camping trip in Oregon for the purpose of scouting out an area and leaving cameras in preparation for Elk hunting season. One important part focuses on this gentleman's fitness. Your health and fitness can be a much overlooked part of any camping, hunting or hiking trip. Poor fitness can result in injury or death so please remember to prepare the body for your trip and not just your gear.
Check out the article here brought to you by Heavy Hitters Outdoors
Check out the article here brought to you by Heavy Hitters Outdoors
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Backwoodsman Magazine
A great magazine for the rough frontiersman (or woman) in you. Love to pick up and learn new skills? This magazine is definitely a must subscribe. Check it out and order your subscription here:
Friday, June 1, 2012
Grand Canyon Hike!
Check out this great clip of this Grand Canyon hike. Who's ready?
National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Who would love to be camping/hiking here in Yellowstone national Park right now? I know I would! Like thos photo if you would to, and check out and like other great photos!
Discount Outdoor Sports Gear!!!
Looking for up to 75% off of great outdoor gear for climbing, kayaking, camping and more? Check out this site:
Mountain Men on Survival Skills
Watch the men from the History Channel's "Mountain Men" series talk about survival in the wilderness:
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Mountain Men advice
Listen to what the men from the History Channel's new show, "Mountain Men" have to say about living off the land:
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