Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hiking & Camping Alone

This is an activity often frowned upon. People generally say that it is just too unnecessarily risky. To an extent they may be right. But let's remember man (and woman) have been braving the wild alone since the beginning of time. This is also something that I love to do. It thrills me and just gives me a tremendous peace and allows me to appreciate God's beautiful world on a different level. It gives me alone time and allows me to reflect and think. Don't get me wrong at times it can be a little nerve racking and even scary (nothing like sleeping alone in the deep woods at night and hearing the animals move around you and not know what they are). However, nothing gives me a feeling of pride and self achievement than exploring the wild alone....and surviving of course. I'm not the only one who feels this way. Many people feel the same way and part take in exploring alone. But please understand, there is a right and safe way to do everything. Always remember to let someone know where you are going. I don't know if anyone else saw 127 hours but if I'm not convincing enough that movie may just dissuade you from hiking alone altogether, and for some people that may be a good thing. Be prepared, make sure you have appropriate gear and are in relatively good shape comparative to the type of trail you will be taking. Below is a link to a good article on hiking and camping alone. If seriously desiring to do this, I recommend that you read this article.

Do you like exploring alone?

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