Here are some interesting, or rather, terrifying facts:
10% of the 2000 species live in North America (why were any additional number of species of mosquitoes is quite beyond my comprehension) and they breed and reproduce in humid, damp environments where any stagnant body of water becomes a breeding ground for them. Mosquitoes even have a common range of one to three miles but have been documented to range up to seven miles and beyond! Forget redbull red blood gives these suckers (no pun intended) wings for sure! Generally they come out around dawn and dusk and depending on their location they can carry several diseases.
West Nile Virus (North America)
Malaria (around the world primarily in Central and South America, Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and the South Pacific)
Dengue Fever (the tropics)
Yellow Fever (South America and Africa)
Heartworm (affects household pets)
OK so after all that information I'm pretty psyched about terminating or just avoiding the blood suckers altogether! Talk about True Blood (no I don't watch the show I joke I joke I kid I kid)! Well luckily there are different preventive measures that may be taken to mosquito bites. For one and I've always heard this is to wear long sleeve clothing that will cover most of your body's surface. I know, not your typical choice in hot and humid weather where the point is to wear short sleeves because your so hot and uncomfortable already and this is the type of weather they exist in the first place! So for me that negates that option in most situations where i'm likely to encounter mosquitoes. So what else can you do you may ask? Well that can also depend on what outdoor activity you are partaking and where.
If at home in your yard, the first thing is to keep the area clear of mosquito breeding grounds. Make sure to clean and dump anything that may contain stagnant water build up from rain or that garden hose. Dump any water that may reside in buckets, toys or other objects. If you have any small ponds or fountains you may consider using mosquito eating fish such as Koi. There are also pricier mosquitor traps that prevent up to an acer (although be advised these will cost up to several hundred dollars).
My personal opinion on the best deterrent, whether at home or on the trail is mosquito or insect repellant. Now let it be said that this is my opinion and not all insect/mosquito repellants perfom as desired. After much research and experience I have come to find that the best repellants contain 50% or more of a very strong chemical oil. It was developed by the United States Army following the experience of campaigns in jungle warfare during World War II. Now this chemical should be used with care as it is strong enough to melt plastic (so keep any plastic items away when applying to the body). As with a lot of chemicals and medicine there are always some cases of illness so if you have allergies or sensitive skin I would recommend consulting a physician before use. I personally use the 95% deet Off brand spray (as shown below) but any repellent containing deet will do the trick.
There is also a large variety of mosquito netting that one can use to keep the annoying insects off your back while in the backwoods as I've provided some pictures below for your viewing pleasure. So be safe and protect yourself from sickness as well as irritating bites and discomfort.

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